Teaching a Machine: ML Objectives and Techniques

There are different Machine Learning (ML) methods, each with specific objectives and techniques for implementation. It is important to be aware of these differences in order to select the most appropriate ML technique for a task. Objectives Tasks a machine learning model can representTechniques The mechanisms for implementing a model (covered later) Here is a … Read more

Teaching a Machine: What is machine learning?

Machine Learning (ML) is a programming approach useful when it’s not practical, or even possible, to just tell the computer what to do in simple steps. It is essentially programming with data. For us, humans, learning” is the display of behavior guided by past knowledge, experience, and observation. The core idea behind ML is similar, … Read more

Teaching a Machine: Getting Started

One of the ambitious goals of starting this website was to learn about Machine Learning (ML). Studying ML offers a context for framing my understanding of human learning mechanisms and insights from cognitive neuroscience research. In addition to being an experimental tool with practical application. My primary motivation for wanting to learn ML programming has … Read more

Paper Summary: Objective Morphological Classification of Neocortical Pyramidal Cells

The emergence of higher-order brain function like cognition, language, and sensory perception, are believed to emanate from the Neocortex. Covering the upper surface of the cerebral cortex, its composed of approximately eighty-five percent excitatory pyramidal cells (PCs) and fifteen percent inhibitory interneurons, divided among six distinct horizontal layers. To date, expert classification of PC types … Read more

Paper Summary: CREB regulates excitability and the allocation of memory to subsets of neurons in the amygdala

Associative learning is a relatively primitive learning form resulting in a reflexive behavior to a stimulus. Like learning not to touch a hot stove after getting burnt. A neural network assembly, called a Hebbian cell, is responsible for the storage and retrieval of such a learned association. However, the organizing principles and mechanisms behind the … Read more

Paper Summary: Selective Erasure of a Fear Memory

In 2007 Han’s et al., demonstrated that the neurons recruited in the formation of auditory fear memory (a memory trace) were dependent on the CREB function (i.e the level of CREB transcription dependent on training stimulus) of the neurons activated during training (ref post 1). Now, two years later Han et al (2009) have shown … Read more

Paper Summary: Neuronal Competition and Selection During Memory Formation

In the 1950s, Vernon B. Mountcastle discovered that neurons of the cerebral cortex have a columnar organization. Ten years later, Torsten N. Wiesel and David H. Hubel found the same columnar organization in the visual cortex, and going on to elucidate the structure and function (i.e mechanism of operation) of the visual cortex at the cellular level. Studying the effects of … Read more